Thursday, December 6, 2007


Today, on my birthday, I am grateful for so many things. I am grateful for my practice and the opportunity to help others experience better health and healing. I am grateful that each day I can witness miracles! I am grateful for all of you that have taken part in helping and continuing to help my practice grow.

I am grateful for Applied Kinesiology for the amazing diagnostic tool that it provides in my practice. I am grateful for the great doctors that have gone before me, discovered new methods, and have personally trained me. I am grateful for homeopathic remedies that assist in the healing process with no side effects. I am grateful for nutritional supplements that are a powerful mechanism to increase healing and function. I am grateful for our bodies - each one is its own miracle.

Gratitude is an important aspect of any healing. Express gratitude to others, yourselves, your creator, and your health.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Relief of Muscle Soreness

A personal testimonial...

Two days before Thanksgiving, I played a very intense game of basketball. Having gone anaerobic during the game, I developed what is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) due to a build up of lactic acid within the muscles. Two days later, still with sore muscles, I played an intense game of flag football in the snow; once again, I entered anaerobic exercise. My muscles were now extremely sore!

I knew since the previous basketball game that I needed some Liga PN from Nutri-West. Liga PN is a natural anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement. I had run out of it at home and kept forgetting to get a new bottle from my office.

Four days after Thanksgiving, I went and played basketball once again. 10 minutes into the game, my muscles were failing to even function! I went home with extremely sore muscles that night and told myself that I would not forget to get Liga PN at my office the following day.

The next day, I came home from my office at lunch and took 2 tablets of Liga PN. Within a couple of hours, my muscle soreness was completely gone! I suffered for a week and lost function of my muscles when all I had to do was follow the supplementation protocol.

Consider using Liga PN for muscle soreness, inflammation, pain, and more!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In our day and age of increased computer use, we hear more and more about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Chances are, you or someone you know has this condition. The wrist is a complex structure where many nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, and tendons all converge and travel through a "tunnel" of bones. The bones of the wrist literally make an arch through which all of these components pass.

If the tunnel collapses or if there is irritation within the contents of the tunnel, the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome arise.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel include:

  • Burning, tingling, itching, or numbness of the palm and fingers

  • Fingers feel swollen even though no swelling is present

  • Decreased grip strength

  • Muscle wasting at the base of the thumb

  • Inability to distinguish hot and cold by touch

Since the hand is used throughout the day, many seek immediate treatment for this condition. Some elect for surgery or cortisone injections; others elect to take a more conservative route with Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and nutrition. Which treatment route is best? Read these short articles to discover more about treatments and for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Safe Computing Tips
Carpal Tunnel Treatment

Monday, September 17, 2007

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies continue to grow in popularity in the United States. In fact, during the last decade, sales of homeopathic remedies grew over 30%. Why such the growth in popularity?

Well, homeopathic remedies work and produce no side effects. The results are usually rapid, complete, and permanent!

In addition:

  • Homeopathy is safe. Babies and pregnant women can use homeopathic remedies without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.

  • Homeopathy is natural.

  • Homeopathy works in harmony with your body and not against it.

  • Homeopathic remedies are not addictive.

  • Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one by treating the cause and not the effect.

  • Remedies exist for all types of ailments - allergies, indigestion, cramps, flu/colds, pain, and more!

At Centra Chiropractic, we specialize in finding the right remedy for you! My new favorite is Flu Immune - it has allowed my family to conquer multiple oncoming colds in less than 8 hours!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hiatal Hernia

Many individuals suffer from Acid Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The huge trend is to take the "purple pill". Yet, the cause may likely be a hiatal hernia - a protrusion of the stomach into the diaphragm.

A hiatal hernia may cause severe pain or may not even be noticed. Yet, subtle signs of indigestion, reflux, or difficulty breathing may be present. Utilizing Applied Kinesiology, a hiatal hernia can quickly and painlessly be analyzed and corrected. The gentle correction will demonstrate remarkable changes in your health.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Organic Rebellion

Over the past century, the manner in which we grow and manufacture our food has changed dramatically. Farming has definitely made some remarkable improvements, but it may be time to start back at the basics. Our foods are now filled with sodium, trans fats, preservatives, and flavor enhancers! All of this provides a long shelf life and addictive flavors. Yet, all of this has been done for the benefit of food manufacturers and their profits. Your health is at risk!

The Organic Trade Association says it best with their creative video.
Watch Store Wars.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ozone Aware

We are all responsible for the health and well-being of our planet earth. In fact, we should all be concerned about the health of our environment because it provides our food, our shelter, and our way of life.

One way in which you can affect the health of your neighborhood and local enviroment is by making small, simple changes as suggested by or

Health is a journey... not a destination.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mercury Toxicity

Ever heard of the "Mad Hatter"? The term comes from hat makers in the 19th century that would cure felts in a mercury based compound. After a period of time working with the mercury vapors, the hatters would develop uncontrollable twitches and trembles... some would go crazy. The result was a "Mad Hatter".

Mercury has been a topic of great debate in the health field. It has long been known that mercury is a neurotoxin. The controversy of mercury arises when mercury is mixed with other substances... is it dangerous to our health? Many dentists used mercury amalgam fillings for years - many are now switching to other methods. Some vaccinations contain Thimerosal, a mercury based preservative. Most vaccinations now have a mercury-free alternative.

The important factor here is to know what is in the products you consume. After all, only you can care about you. Watch the video and read the article below for additional information.

Video on mercury's effect on nervous tissue (University of Calgary)

Article on debate of vaccinations and mercury with reference quotes from M.D.'s

Monday, June 11, 2007

Twinkie Time

What would an artificial apple look and taste like? Would you eat it? As for me, I will stick to eating the apples that grow on trees.

Artificial foods surround us at the grocery store. Modified... Processed...
What are we really eating? Our bodies were designed to eat wholesome, natural food. Laboratories and strange ingredients from around the globe will never provide the body with necessary nutrients.

Take the Twinkie - 39 ingredients from all over the earth. A regular cake is made with about 6 ingredients, but to keep the Twinkie soft on the shelf, alternative sources of ingredients are required.

The composition of a Twinkie is quite amazing. Just imagine the effects of all those tasty chemicals!

What's Really in a Twinkie?

Friday, June 8, 2007


New research in epigenetics is proving very valuable - especially for health. For many decades, people were told that their health condition was "genetic". One was doomed for disease just because their parents or grandparents carried the trait.

All of that is changing! Epigenetics is a field of research that determines which genes are expressed in your genetic code. Every cell of your body has all the same genetic code, but the differences of each cell come from the genes that are expressed.

Current research demonstrates that one of the major factors that determines the genes that are expressed come from nutrition. What you eat is who you are or will become! The responsibility for health lies within each individual regardless of genetic coding.

For many decades, Applied Kinesiology has been based upon treating the individual for all causes of disease - chemical, mental, and structural - to provide optimal health and wellness. Discover better health, happiness, and wellness by discovering applied kinesiology and chiropractic!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Safety Pin

A safety pin is a great tool to demonstrate the effects of malfunction of the nervous system.

The safety pin has a head, two sides, and a loop. Imagine that the head of the pin represents the brain; the loop represents an organ or a cell. The brain sends a message down to the organ and then the organ responds back to the brain. This communication is necessary to maintain a healthy body. At times, a trauma, a chemical, or an emotion can disconnect one of the pathways. This creates a situation in which the brain and organ lose proper communication. Just like an employee without any direction from the supervisor, the organ begins to function and perform as it deems best and does not give any attention to the rest of its surroundings.

The outcome is dis-ease which leads to disease. With proper treatment, the communication between brain and organ can be restored and bring the body back to a state of ease.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Your body is amazing! It is constantly monitoring the external and internal environment and responding accordingly to keep you healthy and alive. This process is called biofeedback. This process occurs naturally and requires little effort on your part.

Not all information received by the brain is received as a conscious message; you cannot perceive it. In order to listen to your body properly and maintain excellent health, one must utilize the principles of biofeedback to their advantage. Applied Kinesiology is a form of biofeedback that will enable the doctor and the patient to monitor overall health and prevent disease and injury. With Applied Kinesiology, you are a "team" player taking an active role in your health and well-being.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Our bodies were designed with a "crossed" mechanism. When functioning properly, the two hemispheres of the brain communicate with each other and create a pattern that utilizes opposite sides of the body. This mechanism is know as "Cross-Crawl". It can best be observed when one is walking; the opposite arm and leg are extended simultaneously.

When this mechanism is not working properly, one can experience neurological disorders such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, lack of coordination, loss of balance, stuttered speech, or clumsiness. The body can be re-programmed to the proper "crossed" pattern through the use of cross crawl exercises, producing dramatic effects upon the body.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Mind/Body Connection

"...Intelligence is present everywhere in our bodies...our own inner intelligence is far superior to any we can try to substitute from the outside. That intelligence is more important than the actual matter of the body, since without it, that matter would be undirected, formless, and chaotic. Intelligence makes the difference between a house designed by an architect and a pile of bricks."
- Deepak Chopra, M.D. (Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind / Body Medicine)

Our bodies have tremendous healing abilities! As long as intelligence has the ability to freely travel to all areas of the physical body, our health will be maintained. This intelligence manifests itself through various pathways - the nervous system, acupuncture meridians, thoughts, and emotions. Current research reveals that 75% of health complaints come from thoughts and emotions!

Take time each day to relax and meditate. Channel your thoughts and emotions and allow them to direct your physical and mental well-being. Permit yourself to feel happy and healthy!

Additional Resources:

Article "Mind/Body Connection"

Newsweek Article "Brain Check"

Neuro Emotional Technique and how it affects the Mind/Body Connection.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Daily Habits

Most of us brush our teeth every day for good hygiene and to feel good. Most of us shower each day to keep ourselves refreshed and vibrant. We all have daily habits that we do to maintain our well-being and health.

When was the last time you thought about maintaining your spine and your nervous system? Uhhh... I don't remember! Most individuals practice good daily habits, but they never think about their "main frame" - the spine. No wonder that back injuries are the leading cause of disability in the world.

Simple exercises can be performed to keep the spine alive and well. Keep your back healthy and pain free. You only have one and you cannot replace it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Our brains thrive on sensory information. As a matter of fact, cognitive development is propelled forward by the sensory information that our brains process on a continual basis.

One of the most important senses we have is proprioception - the ability to sense position, location, orientation, and movement of the body and its parts. As a significant portion of sensory input, we should exercise and develop it every day. The benefits are great and the activities are fun! You may not even feel like you are working at all...

With increased amounts of proprioception, the brain receives a sensory workout which exercises the nerve cells. This "nerve exercise" results in improved balance, coordination, and brain function.

Read more about the benefits of proprioceptive exercise.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Questions to Ponder...

Why are some people allergic to grass while others are not?

What exactly is an allergy?

What causes two people to have different reactions to the same stressful situation?

What is stress?

Why is it called a "Germ Theory"?

Why do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom and not before? Should we wash our hands before and after?

Why was crop rotation used many years ago, but is ignored by non-organic farmers today?

Why do some foods last months on the shelf without rotting?

What are those ingredients on the food label?

What makes antibacterial soap different from regular soap? We live with bacteria on our skin, in our mouth, and in our digestive system - should we always be fighting bacteria, or should we learn to get along with it?

Take some time to ponder these questions. Feel free to post your comments from what you have discovered.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Brain Power!!!

At any given moment, your brain is receiving over 1 trillion bits of information! That is a lot to handle. Can you imagine what your life would be like if all of that was conscious information?!? Fortunately, only 30 out of the 1,000,000,000,000 bits of information at each moment reach your conscious awareness.

What does this mean to you? It means that your body can give you the most important messages to help with your survival. Your body is self-healing. Your body has tremendous potential. Your body also needs assistance - that is why it gives you signals.

Unconscious problems can arise that will eventually lead to disease and death if the body has more than 30 signals to give to you. How can you know what else the body is needing when it is unable to tell you consciously?

Your body has a pre-programmed mechanism to inform you of what more it needs. All your body needs is someone to listen.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Healthy Habits

It takes 21 days to form a habit, and just a few days to get rid of one. A habit is a pattern of behavior developed by frequent repetition. Habits can be good or bad. Healthy habits are ones that we should focus on each and every day.

Eating nutritious meals, daily exercise, brushing teeth, stretching, and obtaining adequate sleep are excellent healthy habits. They should become second nature - automatic. This takes time and dedication, but the long-term benefits are excellent.

To set a habit, make it a part of your thoughts and actions - your philosophy.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

"Nature"al Healing

April 22nd is Earth Day - a day designated to focus our attention to this great planet we call home. Take some time to ponder how you can improve the environment around you and keep our home looking clean and pristine.

Remember that an important aspect of your health is the environment around you. Keep it clean and keep it gorgeous. Uplift the environment around you with a new tree, some pretty flowers, or utilizing renewable sources of clean energy. Your health will have an added spark to it.

For some suggestions on how to improve the environment around you, check out the website of the EPA.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Healing Powers Within

Homeopathy is a branch of natural medicine which emphasizes treating the body from within with similar energies. All life has an energy level and exhibits this energy to surrounding life. By taking a plant source and diluting it thousands of times, an energetic imprint is left in the water. The result is water (no side effects) that has healing power.

It may sound strange, but so did electricity in the time of Thomas Edison. Read more about homeopathy and then discover what it can do for you. A licensed physician trained in homeopathy can determine which remedy will benefit your health and wellness.

My family has been using NET homeopathic remedies for one year now and have had amazing results with our health. Numerous patients have been helped as well. It helps calm overactive digestion, decrease anxiety to assist breaking habits, boosts immunity, assists in the elimination of allergies, and much more!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pregnancy: Calling for Back-up

What can be more difficult than pregnancy? For 9 months, a woman sacrifices activities, comforts, and energy to bring a new life into the world. Her body changes dramatically during pregnancy and takes months to recover after giving birth.

Pregnancy is definitely a time when a woman is concerned about her health. And she should be! The health of the child within her is dependent upon her state of health as well.

Discomforts of pregnancy are treated gently and effectively at Centra Chiropractic. Proper mechanics, organ function, energy, and nutrition are all vital for a successful pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

All infants receive the first two years of chiropractic care absolutely FREE when the mother receives treatment during her pregnancy. A gift of health and function is a perfect way to welcome your new one into the world.

For more information, read this article on chiropractic and pregnancy.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This Might Be De-Stressing...

What do insomnia, depression, obesity, headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, indigestion, and low immunity all have in common? STRESS! Yes, stress causes a myriad of chemical, emotional, and structural changes within the body. About 75% of health issues seen by doctors have come from the effects of stress.

Although stress results in all these health problems, stress is normal and ordinary for life. All need to encounter stress to live and thrive, but the body needs to respond to it properly and then relax and heal. When the body is unable to deal with stress for various reasons, we become susceptible to many forms of dis-ease.

For additional information on stress, read the following articles from the Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Health.

Stress: Unhealthy response to the pressures of life
Stress and Disease: New Perspectives

For information regarding a FREE seminar on stress and dealing with its effects, visit my website calendar.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Laugh Out Loud!

Laughter is the best and most inexpensive therapy...

Laughing is extremely beneficial for your health and well-being.

  • Reduce stress

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Elevate mood

  • Boost immunity

  • Improve brain function

  • Protect the heart

  • Connect one to others

  • Foster instant relaxation

I think the benefits outweigh the risks! All functions of the body start in the brain - enjoy a healthier, happier life by enjoying life. Good humor will bring to you a life of fulfillment and longevity. Share your laughter with others!

"You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing."
- Michael Pritchard

Friday, April 6, 2007

What's for lunch?

Daniel Harrburger, an 8th grade student from Boulder, Colorado recently made a documentary about school lunch nutrition. You may be surprised or even shocked by what he has to show you!

I would like to publically thank Daniel for taking a stand. I encourage all of you to take a stand as well.

Watch "Lunchtime", and then take action in your own home and community. Large changes in the community start with small changes in the home.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

High Blood Pressure and Chiropractic

Even high blood pressure (hypertension) can effectively be managed without the use of long-term drugs. As a matter of fact, check any label of a high blood pressure medication and it will state that the drug should not be used long-term. The medications are great for emergency situations, but are not intended to be a crutch for any individual! Your body was designed to function normally.

The Journal of Human Hypertension just released an article regarding the research on hypertension and chiropractic. The article states that adjustments of the Atlas (C1, or the bone at the top of the spine) effectively lowers blood pressure after a one-time specialized chiropractic adjustment. The effect was equal to taking two blood-pressure drugs at once!

Management of high blood pressure also includes: nutrition, homeopathy, specific diet specifications, and stress management. High blood pressure can effectively be managed by seeking treatment at Centra Chiropractic. We will collaborate with your medical doctor to stop your dependency upon medication.

Decrease your risk for stroke and heart disease - Get your life back!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Baby Steps

Wisdom from "What About Bob"...

Yes, baby steps will lead you to better health. It is hard to make huge changes in your lifestyle! Years of habits are working against you at times.

How do you eat an elephant? - One bite at a time. By small and simple things, great things are able to occur.

Great goals are reached by achieving daily small goals. You may have setbacks, but these have a purpose as well - they drive one to improve to achieve the goal next time or make minor corrections.

Start by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Replace one item in the shopping cart with an item that is more healthy. Smoke one less cigarette than yesterday. Eat one more vegetable than you did yesterday. Whatever it is, make the small change.

Before long, you will realize that you feel more healthy, vibrant, and alive.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

More savings for you!

As a health care professional, I strive to network with other professionals and businesses to provide my patients with the best referral sources and discounts.

I have recently networked with two local vitamin shops - GNC and Vitamin World.

As a benefit of being my patient, you receive 20% off all of your purchase at GNC by bringing in a written "prescription". Just let me know when you plan on visiting GNC to make a purchase and save some $$$.

At Vitamin World, you receive a complimentary membership ($25 value) and access to 24 promotional days of the year when you can have maximum savings!


Monday, March 26, 2007

Aaah Aaaah CHOOOO!

Spring is in the air!

For many, spring is a "renewing" season - even for allergies! Allergies can be miserable and many develop a fear to spring and fall as the pollen levels increase dramatically. Have you ever wondered why one is allergic to a pollen while another is not? What is the difference?

The difference is YOU! Yes, you have the problem. All too often, we want to place blame on something other than ourselves; it decreases personal responsibility. But, your body is constantly bombarded with viruses, bacteria, and pollens. Why is it that you only get sick every once in a while?

The answer - you lowered your resistance. Something that you did lowered your barrier to fight off infection - nutrition, emotions, environment, or habits.

You can change; you can eliminate allergies for good! There are simple methods to effectively eliminate allergies in a matter of minutes. No long-term allergy shots are necessary. Don't cover up your problem with medications like Zyrtec, Claritin, or Nasonex. Call me today and get ready for a new life!

For more information, visit

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Get "Nervous" around blood...

The system that controls all aspects of the human body is the nervous system. It is a complex arrangement of nerves that receive and send information.

The condition of your nervous system is more important than your latest blood test! Yes, true health lies in the condition of the nervous system - not the blood. If the nervous system is functioning properly and your diet and lifestyle are complimentary, your blood will be healthy. The plumbing just responds to the quality of products around it.

A large emphasis of medicine is about the blood. The condition of the blood content is important, but the nervous system is overriding. How many times per day do you hear about cholesterol and blood pressure? Do you notice that blood pressure is always being analyzed? Who analyzes your nervous system? Your nervous system controls blood pressure, levels of cholesterol, and balance of ions in the blood.

The nervous system tells no lies. Ensure that your wiring is in proper control. Learn more about analyzing your nervous system with applied kinesiology.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Food for thought…

When was the last time you looked at food labels to find partially hydrogenated oils, artificial coloring, or high fructose corn syrup? There is so much more to the food we eat than grams of fat and calories.

Millions of Americans rarely consider the content of the food which they consume. Yet, the food we consume is the fuel of life, the building blocks of blood and organs, and the raw materials to regenerate and heal.

Would you ever consider fueling your car with mud or with water? Probably not. Likewise, consider the type of fuel that you are putting into your body. After all, "You are what you eat."

I invite you to watch this short video and join the revolution by taking control of your body and the foods which you consume.

Have a Healthy Day!