Thursday, March 29, 2007

Baby Steps

Wisdom from "What About Bob"...

Yes, baby steps will lead you to better health. It is hard to make huge changes in your lifestyle! Years of habits are working against you at times.

How do you eat an elephant? - One bite at a time. By small and simple things, great things are able to occur.

Great goals are reached by achieving daily small goals. You may have setbacks, but these have a purpose as well - they drive one to improve to achieve the goal next time or make minor corrections.

Start by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Replace one item in the shopping cart with an item that is more healthy. Smoke one less cigarette than yesterday. Eat one more vegetable than you did yesterday. Whatever it is, make the small change.

Before long, you will realize that you feel more healthy, vibrant, and alive.

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