Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Your body is amazing! It is constantly monitoring the external and internal environment and responding accordingly to keep you healthy and alive. This process is called biofeedback. This process occurs naturally and requires little effort on your part.

Not all information received by the brain is received as a conscious message; you cannot perceive it. In order to listen to your body properly and maintain excellent health, one must utilize the principles of biofeedback to their advantage. Applied Kinesiology is a form of biofeedback that will enable the doctor and the patient to monitor overall health and prevent disease and injury. With Applied Kinesiology, you are a "team" player taking an active role in your health and well-being.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Our bodies were designed with a "crossed" mechanism. When functioning properly, the two hemispheres of the brain communicate with each other and create a pattern that utilizes opposite sides of the body. This mechanism is know as "Cross-Crawl". It can best be observed when one is walking; the opposite arm and leg are extended simultaneously.

When this mechanism is not working properly, one can experience neurological disorders such as dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, lack of coordination, loss of balance, stuttered speech, or clumsiness. The body can be re-programmed to the proper "crossed" pattern through the use of cross crawl exercises, producing dramatic effects upon the body.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Mind/Body Connection

"...Intelligence is present everywhere in our bodies...our own inner intelligence is far superior to any we can try to substitute from the outside. That intelligence is more important than the actual matter of the body, since without it, that matter would be undirected, formless, and chaotic. Intelligence makes the difference between a house designed by an architect and a pile of bricks."
- Deepak Chopra, M.D. (Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind / Body Medicine)

Our bodies have tremendous healing abilities! As long as intelligence has the ability to freely travel to all areas of the physical body, our health will be maintained. This intelligence manifests itself through various pathways - the nervous system, acupuncture meridians, thoughts, and emotions. Current research reveals that 75% of health complaints come from thoughts and emotions!

Take time each day to relax and meditate. Channel your thoughts and emotions and allow them to direct your physical and mental well-being. Permit yourself to feel happy and healthy!

Additional Resources:

Article "Mind/Body Connection"

Newsweek Article "Brain Check"

Neuro Emotional Technique and how it affects the Mind/Body Connection.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Daily Habits

Most of us brush our teeth every day for good hygiene and to feel good. Most of us shower each day to keep ourselves refreshed and vibrant. We all have daily habits that we do to maintain our well-being and health.

When was the last time you thought about maintaining your spine and your nervous system? Uhhh... I don't remember! Most individuals practice good daily habits, but they never think about their "main frame" - the spine. No wonder that back injuries are the leading cause of disability in the world.

Simple exercises can be performed to keep the spine alive and well. Keep your back healthy and pain free. You only have one and you cannot replace it.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Our brains thrive on sensory information. As a matter of fact, cognitive development is propelled forward by the sensory information that our brains process on a continual basis.

One of the most important senses we have is proprioception - the ability to sense position, location, orientation, and movement of the body and its parts. As a significant portion of sensory input, we should exercise and develop it every day. The benefits are great and the activities are fun! You may not even feel like you are working at all...

With increased amounts of proprioception, the brain receives a sensory workout which exercises the nerve cells. This "nerve exercise" results in improved balance, coordination, and brain function.

Read more about the benefits of proprioceptive exercise.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Questions to Ponder...

Why are some people allergic to grass while others are not?

What exactly is an allergy?

What causes two people to have different reactions to the same stressful situation?

What is stress?

Why is it called a "Germ Theory"?

Why do you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom and not before? Should we wash our hands before and after?

Why was crop rotation used many years ago, but is ignored by non-organic farmers today?

Why do some foods last months on the shelf without rotting?

What are those ingredients on the food label?

What makes antibacterial soap different from regular soap? We live with bacteria on our skin, in our mouth, and in our digestive system - should we always be fighting bacteria, or should we learn to get along with it?

Take some time to ponder these questions. Feel free to post your comments from what you have discovered.