Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Miracles Happen...

Each day in my practice, I witness miracles every day. The miracles may not be huge to others, but for the patients, they are HUGE. The miracles come from the human body - a fabulous gift we each have - that is self-healing. The body heals wonderfully and miraculously when it has the raw materials it needs to heal.

I have witnessed knee problems where the patient is expecting surgery completely resolve within weeks; a shoulder problem with barely no range of motion that was scheduled for surgery and resolved within 2 weeks; multiple individuals return to a life without fatigue; and multiple individuals recover from aches and pains from merely just a simple correction of emotions. These miracles occur due to the blessing of Applied Kinesiology, that allows the physician to ask the body what is wrong and what it needs to heal. Give the body what it needs - nothing more, nothing less.

I do not take credit for these miracles. These miracles occur due to the grand design that the Creator has instilled in each and every one of us - the ability to heal. I simply facilitate. I am humbled daily by the miracles I witness each and every day.

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