Monday, September 17, 2007

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies continue to grow in popularity in the United States. In fact, during the last decade, sales of homeopathic remedies grew over 30%. Why such the growth in popularity?

Well, homeopathic remedies work and produce no side effects. The results are usually rapid, complete, and permanent!

In addition:

  • Homeopathy is safe. Babies and pregnant women can use homeopathic remedies without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.

  • Homeopathy is natural.

  • Homeopathy works in harmony with your body and not against it.

  • Homeopathic remedies are not addictive.

  • Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one by treating the cause and not the effect.

  • Remedies exist for all types of ailments - allergies, indigestion, cramps, flu/colds, pain, and more!

At Centra Chiropractic, we specialize in finding the right remedy for you! My new favorite is Flu Immune - it has allowed my family to conquer multiple oncoming colds in less than 8 hours!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hiatal Hernia

Many individuals suffer from Acid Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The huge trend is to take the "purple pill". Yet, the cause may likely be a hiatal hernia - a protrusion of the stomach into the diaphragm.

A hiatal hernia may cause severe pain or may not even be noticed. Yet, subtle signs of indigestion, reflux, or difficulty breathing may be present. Utilizing Applied Kinesiology, a hiatal hernia can quickly and painlessly be analyzed and corrected. The gentle correction will demonstrate remarkable changes in your health.