Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ozone Aware

We are all responsible for the health and well-being of our planet earth. In fact, we should all be concerned about the health of our environment because it provides our food, our shelter, and our way of life.

One way in which you can affect the health of your neighborhood and local enviroment is by making small, simple changes as suggested by or

Health is a journey... not a destination.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mercury Toxicity

Ever heard of the "Mad Hatter"? The term comes from hat makers in the 19th century that would cure felts in a mercury based compound. After a period of time working with the mercury vapors, the hatters would develop uncontrollable twitches and trembles... some would go crazy. The result was a "Mad Hatter".

Mercury has been a topic of great debate in the health field. It has long been known that mercury is a neurotoxin. The controversy of mercury arises when mercury is mixed with other substances... is it dangerous to our health? Many dentists used mercury amalgam fillings for years - many are now switching to other methods. Some vaccinations contain Thimerosal, a mercury based preservative. Most vaccinations now have a mercury-free alternative.

The important factor here is to know what is in the products you consume. After all, only you can care about you. Watch the video and read the article below for additional information.

Video on mercury's effect on nervous tissue (University of Calgary)

Article on debate of vaccinations and mercury with reference quotes from M.D.'s

Monday, June 11, 2007

Twinkie Time

What would an artificial apple look and taste like? Would you eat it? As for me, I will stick to eating the apples that grow on trees.

Artificial foods surround us at the grocery store. Modified... Processed...
What are we really eating? Our bodies were designed to eat wholesome, natural food. Laboratories and strange ingredients from around the globe will never provide the body with necessary nutrients.

Take the Twinkie - 39 ingredients from all over the earth. A regular cake is made with about 6 ingredients, but to keep the Twinkie soft on the shelf, alternative sources of ingredients are required.

The composition of a Twinkie is quite amazing. Just imagine the effects of all those tasty chemicals!

What's Really in a Twinkie?

Friday, June 8, 2007


New research in epigenetics is proving very valuable - especially for health. For many decades, people were told that their health condition was "genetic". One was doomed for disease just because their parents or grandparents carried the trait.

All of that is changing! Epigenetics is a field of research that determines which genes are expressed in your genetic code. Every cell of your body has all the same genetic code, but the differences of each cell come from the genes that are expressed.

Current research demonstrates that one of the major factors that determines the genes that are expressed come from nutrition. What you eat is who you are or will become! The responsibility for health lies within each individual regardless of genetic coding.

For many decades, Applied Kinesiology has been based upon treating the individual for all causes of disease - chemical, mental, and structural - to provide optimal health and wellness. Discover better health, happiness, and wellness by discovering applied kinesiology and chiropractic!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Safety Pin

A safety pin is a great tool to demonstrate the effects of malfunction of the nervous system.

The safety pin has a head, two sides, and a loop. Imagine that the head of the pin represents the brain; the loop represents an organ or a cell. The brain sends a message down to the organ and then the organ responds back to the brain. This communication is necessary to maintain a healthy body. At times, a trauma, a chemical, or an emotion can disconnect one of the pathways. This creates a situation in which the brain and organ lose proper communication. Just like an employee without any direction from the supervisor, the organ begins to function and perform as it deems best and does not give any attention to the rest of its surroundings.

The outcome is dis-ease which leads to disease. With proper treatment, the communication between brain and organ can be restored and bring the body back to a state of ease.